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we launched our first-ever awareness campaign on road safety. Our campaign focused on raising awareness among young people about the importance of road safety and the dangers of reckless driving.

It was held for two days (15th & 16th April) at Solar Kitchen where we took surveys, gathered concerns, and future aspirations in regards to road safety in Auroville


The Polling board was a board split into 24 sections, each titled with an individual road safety concern such as speeding, drunk driving, etc. Each participant was given three stickers to place in the area they deemed to be the biggest concern. Participants were given different colour stickers according to their age group and gender, giving us an idea of how each demographic’s concerns differ.

The survey shows road quality as the biggest concern for residents, with a total of 38 votes. It is followed by Speeding (31 votes) and Highbeam (24 votes).


By dividing the survey by age and gender, we could also see that we got most interactions from male aged 35+ (60 votes) followed by female 35+ (58 votes), followed by 18-35 male & female (35 votes each), male under 18 (33 votes) and female under 18 (14 votes).


Both F>35 and M>35 found Speeding to be the biggest area of concern (11 votes each) whereas F 18-35 and M 18-35 as well as F<18 and M<18 found road quality to be the biggest area of concern (8 votes, 9 votes, 5 votes and 5 votes respectively).

Concerns and Dreams letterbox

The concern letterbox and Dreamline were interactive information gathering initiatives where individuals could raise their concerns through the concern letterbox as well as their aspirations for the future by hanging their ‘dream’ on the dreamline, sharing their dreams with other passer-bys. 


14 letters were concerned with the way people were driving, many pressing the need for people to have better understanding of road rules, such as driving while using a mobile device, driving side by side and speeding. Underage driving and driving under influence were also raised, suggesting open conversations in schools regarding the Auroville youth mortality tied with drunk driving.


8 letters addressed road quality, communicating the need for a cyclepath on the Kuilapalayam tar road, the need for more speed bumps (in order to slow down traffic) as well as the need to have less speed bumps (with the argument that they are a road hazard and injurious to the spine). There was also a suggestion to add more benches along the cyclepaths, to encourage more pedestrians to take them instead of jaywalking. Sharp turns and blindspots in crossings also came up as a topic, with the suggestion to add reflective tape so the turn is visible at night, as well as mirrors to eradicate blind spots. There was also a suggestion to separate the road and the parking at Solar Kitchen.


6 letters directly aimed at roundabouts, suggesting that it was ill-placed or that people did not know how to use it properly. 


4 letters suggested having more signboards, three of which were concerned with speeding. 


5 Letters were tied with having too much traffic on the roads, calling for less vehicle usage by using cycles, walking, and possibly having public transport through the instalment of a tramway.


3 Letters voiced concerns over electric cycles, two in regards to them being silent when approaching from behind / corners and one in regards to electrical vehicles speeding in cycle paths.

For the follow up, we have conducted two seminars at our high schools, Future school and Last school. Our presentation focused on teaching students about the dangers of reckless driving and the importance of responsible road behavior. We covered topics such as the proper use of safety gear, pedestrian safety, and the consequences of irresponsible driving.

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