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Setting up for 2023

Updated: Jun 21, 2023


YouthLink launched into 2023 with a big extension to the team. With two volunteers and two new members, we reached 11 members!

Left to right: Annaeus, Gautam, Nivetha, Yolane.

What do new members do?

First two months act as a trial & integration phase for new members. During the two months, new members take up small responsibilities while supporting on-going projects and initiatives, getting an idea on how YouthLink and Auroville function on the job.

Ok, so the roadmap. What's our plan for 2023?

We went through a planning session with the team at the beginning of the year. The whole team was present: Tenzin, Sanata, Yolane, Nivetha, Krishna, Lucrezia, Aurore, Gautam, Annaeus, Ankita, and Namu.

Facilitated and planned out by one of our members, Namu (the administration coordinator), we addressed:

  1. What we had planned in January of 2022 (the previous year)

  2. What are the recurring tasks that are to be continued throughout the year

  3. Where do we want to be in one year

  4. The goals in every department

  5. The timeline for above goals to be met

Well, we need to find a way to be sustainable, but as a non-profit organisation. What does this mean? Well, we are confident in the value of the work we are doing, and the things that we are providing for the community. We decided to allocate the first quarter of this year to fundraising, to make ourselves and our work more visible. We believe that when we show the work that we are doing, with honesty and integrity, you will see the value in supporting us! ;)

The second quarter is allocated to planning. In case you haven't been in Auroville in April to July, it can become very, very hot. And a lot of people run away from the heat! Auroville tends to become more desolate, with less visitors and many Aurovilians also retreating abroad to meet with family, etc.

During these slightly more relaxed days, we plan to... well, plan!

This will be the time where we start our high impact projects, the BIG STEPS that take a lot of preparation and planning.

The third quarter, 'Growing', is where we expect to launch many of our high impact projects, but it is also the time where many events and celebrations are allocated; such as Youth Day! We expect to use this time as well to grow the team to 15 members, as well as to increase our impact and to branch out to more continuous activities and services.

The last quarter will be the time for retrospection. We will know by then whether we have been successful in the endeavors we have engaged in, and we have set various milestones to assess our success.

And throughout the year, we will have various events, workshops, and gatherings going on; so keep up to date with us through our instagram or website! ;)))

insta: youthlink_auroville

website: you're on it ;)

Phone: +91 89407 25128

Written by Namu

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