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Awareness Campaigns
YouthLink is dedicated to making a conscious change in our community, working towards a better future by proactively creating awareness campaigns, initiated by youth, every two months. These campaigns are based on topics important to the community that are chosen by the team, and is followed by action phases to address the issue.
Every awareness campaign starts with a research phase, where once a topic has been chosen by the team, we conduct in-house online research as well as gathering data from relevant Auroville units and individuals.
This data is then compiled in the form of infographics, and is presented on site at SolarKitchen, where we have informal conversations with the Auroville public, as well as gathering data through a brief survey and feedback & concerns.
The survey, along with feedback & concerns, is then published on our website, as well as Auroville information channels such as News & Notes, Auronet, and Auroville Today.
Discussions are then held, both internally, as well as with units and individuals who are involved in said area. This generally leads to an action phase; such as school presentations, new services, or a one-time project regarding said topic.
We hold awareness campaigns once every two months. Feel free to suggest us a topic for the next awareness campaign!
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